Books I have loved and from which I have learned much.
Man’s Search for Meaning: Victor Frankl
Anam Cara: John O’Donohue
Memories, Dreams, Reflections: C. G. Jung, MD
The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Mid Life:
James Hollis, Ph.DBoundaries of the Soul: June Singer, Ph.D
Balancing Heaven and Earth: A Memoir: Jerry M. Ruhl & Robert A. Johnson
A Path with Heart: Jack Kornfield, Ph.D
You Can Heal Your Life: Louise Hay
Banished Knowledge: Alice Miller, Ph.D
Care of the Soul: Thomas Moore, Ph.D
The Once and Future King: T. H. White
Stay Alive All Your Life: Norman Vincent Peale
The Artist’s Way: Julia Cameran
Learned Optimism: Martin Seligman, Ph.D
The Road Less Traveled: M. Scott Peck, MD
People of the Lie: M. Scott Peck, MD
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D
“The privilege of a lifetime is being who
you are…That’s the journey.”
— Joseph Campbell
Recommendations for Clients
General Interest
Man’s Search for Meaning: Victor Frankl
The Road Less Traveled: M. Scott Peck, MD
You Can Heal Your Life: Louise Hay
From Panic to Power: Lucinda Bassett
Financial Peace: Dave Ramsey
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Stephen R. Covey
When Every Day Matters: A Mother’s Memoir on Love, Loss, and Life: Mary Jane Hurley Brant, M.S., CGP
Happy For No Reason: Marci Shimoff
Women Who Love Too Much: Robin Norwood
I Don’t Want to Talk About it: Terence Real, LICSW
Banished Knowledge: Alice Miller, Ph.D
Stay Alive All Your Life: Norman Vincent Peale
Learned Optimism: Martin Seligman, Ph.D
The Artist’s Way: Julia Cameran
Baby Out of Wedlock: Jim and Jessica Braz
Marital Therapy
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: John Gottman, Ph.D & Nan Silver
Getting the Love You Want: Harvill Hendrix, Ph.D
Cognitive Therapy
Learned Optimism: Martin Seligman, Ph.D
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy: David D. Burns, MD
You Can’t Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought: Peter McWilliam
Jungian Psychology
Beginner’s Guide to Jungian Psychology: Robin Robertson, Ph.D
Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Mid Life: James Hollis, Ph.D
Dreams and Healing: John Sanford
Memories, Dreams, Reflections: C. G. Jung, MD
Goddesses in Every Woman: Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D
Favorite Jungian Psychology Websites:
The Enneagram
The Wisdom of the Enneagram: Don Riso and Russ Hudson
The Enneagram Made Easy: Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele
Knowing Me Knowing Them: Tracy Tresidder, Margaret Loftus & Jacqui Pollock
The Enneagram Guide Book: Mario Sikora
Nine Lenses on the World: Jerome Wagner, Ph.D
The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual
Growth: Christopher Heuertz
Favorite Enneagram Websites:
Favorite Enneagram Podcasts:
The Enneagram at the Movies
Enneagram 2.0
The Awareness to Action Enneagram Podcase
“Lennie’s compassion and understanding helped me to heal wounds that were very deep and overcome situations from my past which were profoundly affecting the choices I was making. I feel a serenity now that was missing for such a long time.”
— K.R.